Meditation doesn't involve thought and action, time and space. The knowledge and thought process obliterates the meditative mind. Any deliberate process of meditation is not can sit cross -legged for the rest of life, breath and rest of that business, and you will not come anywhere near what you intend to do. Beause it is deiberate action to achieve a result.of meditation. and it becomes cause and effect relationship. The consciousness of the effect of doing meditation drives one to the result of the action and mind diverts us from real meditaion. It is like a student writing examination keeping effect of it in mind and answreing the questions. One can easily understand the the quality of such action . It is only calm and meditative mind that while performing that act automatically produces end reult we intend.Meditation is dissolving 'me' in to the 'act' and it is
The word
yoga in sanscrit means'join together' -joining the higher and the lower; that is tradition. There are various forms of yoga of which the highest form is called raja yoga-the king of yogas. That way of living was concerned not merely with physical well-being, but also, and much more, with the psyche.It is to have a brain in order, that was all the time active, but not chattering-active. It is to have a very deeply ordered moral, ethical and disciplined life, not based on the taking of various vows. Primary importance of it is to have a brain, a mind, a state of well-being, that is clear, active; not active in the sense of physical movement, but a brain itself, alive, full of vitality. But yoga has now become rather shallow, a source of profit, mediocre.
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