(SOURCE ' The Story of Philosophy' -Will Durant)
There are only three things worth while in this world-justice, beauty and truth; and perhaps none of them can be defined absolutely. Different times of man-kind interpreted the meanings of these words differently due to political, religious and geographical reasons. However, Plato could venture a definition for justice. "Justice", he says, "is the having and doing what is one's own". It simply means that each man shall receive the equivalent of what he produces, and shall perform the function for which he is best fit. A just man is a man in just the right place, doing his best, and giving the full equivalent of what he receives. He could define so on the basis of human ethics. He further explained that a society of just men would be a highly harmonious and efficient group; for every element would be in its place, fulfilling its appropriate function like the pieces in a perfect orchestra.
Where men are out of their natural places, where the business man subordinates the statesman, or the solder usurps the position of the king-there the coordination of parts is destroyed, the joints decay, the society disintegrates and dissolves. In the present society when people occupy ruling positions due to the reasons of relationships of erstwhile power kings we could easily imagine our fate and prosperity.
Considering the term " beauty" it is based purely on intellectual level of the person. Based on modern philosophers like J. Krishnamurthy it can only be perceived and can not be correctly explained by any language or symbols. "Truth" could only be known on scientific reasoning without the involvement of religious beliefs and dogmas.
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